secret page The fun loving site you all know about, might not be so fun loving after all.
Today I was doing "research" about nick shows, (Totally not jacking off or anything), when I came across a game called "Nicktoons: A Shot at Love!" I thought this was weird but I played it anyway for some fap material because it looked fun. It took me to the Spongeboob page to play the game (which I thought was weird) but I thought nothing of it. The start screen showed all of the nicktoons characters at the time the game was made. It was playing some annoying circus music that made my dick go soft. I was annoyed, but I thought maybe the music would go away when I press play. But first there was instructions. Oh boy. "Express your love for your favorite Nicktoons characters by hitting them with suction cup arrows- carnival style!" So basically you have to hit the nicktoons characters except for cupid. (which is a shame because cupid was the sexiest out of all of them.)
I played the game and it ended up being another cheesy minigame. I lost because I was trying to fap with one hand and play with the other. When I lost I immediately got a popup. "Authentication Required The server ( (requires a username and password. The server says /." It then showed a username and password box. Being an intern at nickelodeon, I had my own username and password. (which I am not sharing due to what happened next.)
I typed my credentials in and there was a dark page with a hyperlink to Dumb Ass is MY name!!!11!!11!!!! But being the Dumb Ass that I am, I clicked the link. The link brought me to another black page with a video in the middle. It was a live stream. In the video, there was a shadowy figure in the background walking towards the camera in a dungeon-like basement. Once he stepped into the light I could see who he was. Mr krabs.
Mr krabs said "Dumb Ass. You have done well. Your brother was the finest slave I have ever have. But now I need you again. I need more victims. I need slaves. Will you help me?" There was a popup box with two selections. "yes" and "no." I clicked no, because I felt guilty for helping krabs. The screen goes black. Mr krabs says in a raspy voice that he is right behind me. Before a could turn around, A paper bag was wrapped around my head and I was kidnapped.
I don't have much time left before mr krabs comes back to the sweatshop and- OH SHIT! He saw me. UH oh. Noooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!
He killed me.
The End.
You're next.
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